Laurent Dubois
Against pop-ups,
free and really convivial:
Object: Following the instructions below, move all 4 white bishops to
the top of the board, and move all 4 black bishops to the bottom. Do this and
enter the Bishop Exchange Hall of Fame Please wait for all the images to load! Optimal
solution: 36 moves |
· The goal is
to move all the white bishops to the top and all the black bishops to the
bottom · Alternate
moves - white moves first, then black, then white, etc. · You can't
place a bishop on a square where it can be captured by an opposing bishop · Click on
any bishop to make it active · Click on it
again to deactivate the piece · Click on an
empty square to move the active bishop · You may
only make valid chess bishop moves (diagonal only) · Maximum of
99 moves allowed before program resets · Wait for
all images to load before starting |
(rough copy of loose ideas)
Time Travel, Logic and
Time Travel,
Logic and Speculation II